Stourbridge & Halesowen Snooker League Statistics
Welcome to the Stourbridge & Halesowen Snooker League statistics page.Â
Welcome to the Stourbridge & Halesowen Snooker League statistics page.Â
This site will provide statistics from all 3 divisions in the Stourbridge & Halesowen Snooker Leagues. This will include stats from individual divisions and overall stats across the 3 leagues. All stats are based on league games only.
The stats start from the 2009/2010 in the Stourbridge league and 2010/2011 in the Halesowen league and run up to the present day.
I do my best to keep the stats as accurate as possible but mistakes and omissions may be possible.
Last Updated 15th December 2024
Awaiting Townsend B vs Dudley Ex B (Hales League Div 2 12/12/24)